Zero Based Budgeting

It is a Method of Budgeting where budgeting starts from “zero base”. In this budget, all expenses must be justified for each new period irrespective of if the budget is higher or lower compared to the previous period. It helps review all spend, usage, policies with the goal of eliminating unwanted spend. The end goal is to align spend to the goals of each department of the firm . We support clients to succeed in their zero based budgeting journey.

How it can help the client ?

ZBB can have a significant impact on 2 areas - Cost Reduction & Operational Efficiency.

Cost Reduction can be achieved by eliminating unwanted spend in various cost buckets.

Operational efficiency can be achieved by managing the talent, process and culture of the firm.

Success Stories

US based consumer goods firm

The client, a Consumer Goods firm in US, wanted to boost growth in its operations and have competitive advantage over its peers.

1. The ZBB methodology was used to identify cost reduction opportunities in SG&A and IT areas. Worked with the client to understand the budgeting requirements to develop the budgeting templates as per their needs.
2. The business users were trained on the budgeting process using the developed budgeting tool.

1. User friendly budgeting process
2. Trained the client team on the budgeting process
3. The savings generated from this exercise were reinvested in the growth opportunities.

UK based consumer goods firm

The client, a Consumer Goods firm in UK, was seeking to drive growth and identify cost optimization opportunities in its overhead expenses

1. Worked with the client to understand the budgeting requirements to develop the budgeting templates as per their requirements.
2. The business users were trained on the simplified budgeting process and provided support in budgeting.

1. User friendly budgeting process.
2. Trained the client team on the budgeting process.
3. The savings generated from this exercise were reinvested in the growth opportunities.

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